Apologies for there not being too many posts on this site this year, for those who have been following my poetry blog you will know that I have been busy with poetry this year - having completed three new collections, working on a compilation and another collection for early 2010; not to mention gigs, open mike nights and BLOGTV shows.
GOSSIP FROM THE CHEESE COUNTER, finally came out in June, after a slight delay and can be purchased for £9.99 from Lulu (or slightly more in hardback...)
A link to the paperback version is:
Anyway... What this post is really about is to flag up some developments in the next wave of Mouse books - also to show off the photo of the mouse above that I found on a wall in Krakow during a recent trip there for my birthday. 2010 is the 10th anniversary of the completion of MOUSE OF COMMONS - MOUSE OF LORDS, so as well as a possible anniversary edition of that book with new photos, cover etc - there are some other new books due. The first 10 chapters of MOUSE IN A BOTTLE were also originally drafted during 2000, so I may also release a special version of this - if there is enough to include.
The first of these, which I am currently putting together is a collection called POSTCARDS FROM MCWHISKERS, which is basically all of the stories that have been posted here on the blogsite, with additional photos - and this includes the last half dozen episodes of GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS AND THE HULLABALOO DIMENSION, which were never posted here. More on this book nearer its completion - which will hopefully be before the summer.
This week I have also returned to working on the next full-length Mouse Of Commons novel: GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS AND THE COUNTER-CLOCKWISE CONUNDRUM. This is the first novel since 2008s: GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS THROWS IT ALL AWAY and I have been working on it since late 2007 and am currently working on Chapter 10 (of 12 chapters...)I am seriously hoping that this will be ready during the latter part of 2010.
Beyond these two books I have a couple of other books of short stories - where the stories were written in draft form during 2007 and 2008, but have yet to be typed, reworked and proofed. It is probably unrealistic to expect these to be completed in 2010 too, but we shall see.
Needless to say there are many adventures yet to come - and then my plans beyond this is to write a sequel to THE COUNTER-CLOCKWISE CONUNDRUM as it is intended as part 1 of a two part series.
I think that's all the news that I have for now. More news in the new year, when I hope to able to give more information about the completion of POSTCARDS FROM MCWHISKERS. Who knows... I may even come up with something to post around xmas... I'll just go and have a word with Gladstone and see what we can come up with! :)
Best furry yeti-tastic wishes,
More soon!
Paul xx
Labels: Gladstone McWhiskers, Mouse of Commons, POSTCARDS FROM MCWHISKERS