Thursday, March 16, 2006


Hello and welcome to the first post from the new Mouse Of Commons blogsite.

There should be lots of Mouse of Commons-y news and bit and bobs coming up on here in the next few months.

But first I shall answer a few background questions...

Who or What is The Mouse of Commons?

Well, he's a mouse...

Okay, clever clogs - we need more information than just that?

Oh, okay then. Well the Mouse of Commons (He's also The Mouse of Lords) first appeared in a book written in 2000 by Paul Chandler, called Mouse Of Commons - Mouse of Lords. It remained unpublished until late 2005 and can now be purchased from

Okay - stop trying to "sell" it to us and SELL IT TO US...

Sorry! Sorry! Well - the main characters are The Mouse of Commons, who is a mouse and whose name is actually Gladstone McWhiskers. In the first book he is accompanied by a wood louse called Oliver Louse who is his main assistant and a mysterious animal who nobody seems to be able to identify, but whom they christen Bell. The story is set in The Houses Of Parliament mainly, but the characters have cause to visit the garden of an MP and this is where Gladstone meets an old, old enemy known as Algernon Du-Paucy and Oliver meets his fan club. Later on in the story we learn exactly what sort of animal Bell is - and his life is soon thrown into danger.

Tell me... Does this book have an ISBN number?

It does indeed - ISBN 978-1-4116-8447-8 - I'm very excited!! You wouldn't understand...

Not only can it be ordered from, but also from Amazon and in bookstores, though you may have to ask them to order it. Your best bet is still probably going directly to Lulu. It's available there for approx £7 in Paperback and £12 in Hardback. But you get free postage if you spent over £15 (or $25)

You mentioned this was the first book - are there others?

There soon will be. The second book is called MOUSE IN A BOTTLE. Most of it was written in 2000, but it was never typed, let alone published. This story features the same line up as the first book and in many ways is a direct sequel. The Third book is called A MOUSE IN BEAR'S CLOTHING and that's currently being written. This story features celebrity bear Charlie Grrr who some of you may recognise from recent postings on some of my blogsites. The 4th book is called MOUSE TALES AND MICE TAILS and features 5 short stories, 4 written by myself and 1 by another author, Aidan Neal.

All three of these books are due to be published by in the summer - so more on these nearer the time.

That's it for now!

More soon...

Much love and Mouseness!

Paul xx