Mouse blog: Sir, how are you feeling? What does Christmas hold in store for you?
Gladstone: Well, hopefully I shall be spending it with friends and family - it is one of the few days that I can usually guarantee not to be in the office; although there is no telling what problems may lay ahead. There's always somebody out there who needs my help and if they happen to call on Christmas day then I shall do my very best to be there for them!
Mouse blog: Will the McWhiskers family being spending time with Oliver Louse and his family?
Gladstone: Well, both our families are grown up and with busy lives of their own. Mice families can be very big and perhaps they're also not as close as human families. It's probably true to say that many mice surround themselves with their own chosen family - and I am happy to confirm that Oliver and I will be spending Christmas together. Oliver is this Mouse's best friend - so I wouldn't be without him.
Mouse blog: What news of Charlie Grrr?
Gladstone: The last I heard he was extremely busy travelling around promoting his latest album - THIS BEAR'S THE BUSINESS... It's an album of Beargrrrian swing standards and I believe it's doing very well; it's certainly got constant rotation on my office CD player. That's partly because Charlie glued the lid down and I can't change the disk - but fair play; he's a clever bear... I'm sure I'll see him once he returns to the UK; he's like a furry kind of boomerang - he always comes back to me!
Mouse blog: Do you have any Christmas wishes?
Gladstone: Strong cheese... Strong cheese and world peace! But strong cheese is easily acquired; world peace I am working on - it's just a matter of getting Charlie Grrr to leave a home-made stink bomb in every government office in the world. They'll soon see sense...
Mouse blog: How do you feel about a potential change in human government in the new year?
Gladstone: Well, some politicians are better than others - some work closely with The Mouse of Commons office and some don't. It's their loss. Things in our office go on and aren't really effected by whoever is in number 10 - but they can make things easier. When times are hard the cheese is cheaper and it's a pain getting hold of decent stationery. But before you ask - I've never used public funds for any unwarranted purchases... We'll see what happens in the new year - if anything!
Mouse blog: Looking back across your adventures - you must agree that the sort of problems that you and your team have dealt with over the years are often a good deal more serious and important than the things that the human politicians deal with...
Gladstone: (laughing) I couldn't possibly comment. But yes. Yes - this is most definitely the case. We're pretty darn brilliant aren't we? And modest to boot.
Mouse blog: And your own position - do you have any causes that need championing in the new year?
Gladstone: There are always causes that need championing - and they do not always involve Charlie Grrr running out of pies. I'm aware that there are many badgers in this country that do not have a voice. I want to help them all I can. It's not that there can't speak for themselves normally; but there has been a shortage of cough drops for badgers this year and so sadly they've been rendered mute during the flu season. Things will change and I hope to be able to assist!
Mouse blog: Are there are personal goals you hope to accomplish?
Gladstone: We're back to strong cheese again, aren't we? I'm hoping to start a ginger beer producing plant in my back garden, if that counts. Otherwise, I would like to travel - I've recently been to Nice, Krakow and back in the summer I travelled from Munich to Vienna following the Danube and onto Budapest. These were all very nice trips - but nothing nasty occurred so you probably won't hear much about it. However, I would like to put together a diary of my travels one day - and in 2010 I am hoping to visit some new cities; although I'm not sure where, as yet. Before any environmentists out there jump to criticise I can assure you that I travel light and my beloved car, Marigold, runs on recycled beetroot and radishes. So we're all good to go...
Mouse blog: In 2010 it is 10 years since the author, Paul Chandler, began to write about your life - what does this mean to you?
Gladstone: It means a great deal... Paul doesn't just write about me - he writes about my family and my friends and is single-handedly responsible for helping to spread the word about the histories, policies and everyday life of The Mouse of Commons and Lords. I hope to continue working with him for many years to come... Still, he's quite a shy character and doesn't like people talking about him, so I really ought to stop. Next question.
Mouse blog: Do you know if Mr Chandler has plans to mark this anniversary year?
Gladstone: He does indeed. I believe he may be re-issuing the first novel - MOUSE OF COMMONS, MOUSE OF LORDS in an extended souvenir edition and there is also a new collection called POSTCARDS FROM MCWHISKERS, due out in the spring. I believe these are stories that have previously been published on this blog over the years. In addition to this I know he is working on a new novel called GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS AND THE COUNTER-CLOCKWISE CONUNDRUM which concerns a little incident that I happened to me and my friends some while ago. There are also a number of other short stories which he has to type - I'm not sure if he'll get it all done in 2010, to be honest. I'm sorry, Paul - we really must stop having so many adventures!!
Mouse blog: What does Charlie make of the fact that you are now a star of novels as well as being a star of Westminster?
Gladstone: He's not best pleased!! Actually, no - he's okay with it... After all, it helps him promote all his albums and books and whatnot. He only dislikes the books that he's not in - like the first two novels and some of the other short stories.
Mouse blog: Can you confirm that all these stories are true? Did you really meet aliens made of cheese, for instance?
Gladstone: Yes, yes - all true. If anything Charlie Grrr's arrogance is toned down - as is my loveliness and Oliver's handsomeness. And again - my modesty... But yes, we did meet aliens made of cheese and very nasty they were too...
Mouse blog: So it is true that you effectively resigned a few years ago - as occurs in the novel GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS THROWS IT ALL AWAY?
Gladstone: Yes... Again... All these things occurred. I was going through a quite dark patch at the time. I was probably eating too much cheese late at night or something - but at any rate I definitely needed a break; but now I'm back - and have been for quite some time. 99.9999% of the time it is an absolute pleasure and privilege to be Mouse of Commons and Lords.
Mouse blog: Of all the adventures that you have so far been involved in which would be the most disturbing?
Gladstone: Well, there have been many unpleasant situations over the years - but it has to be said that I felt quite out of my comfort zone when encountering Augustus Grrr, Charlie's extremely unpleasant father. One always hopes that one has heard the last of him - but he usually shows up again at some stage... There is an update on this situation in the new collection: POSTCARDS FROM MCWHISKERS, by the way...
Mouse blog: Do you still hear from your friend Bell the haggis, who appears in a number of the books.
Gladstone: Yes, I do... He's currently working on a biography with my good friend: agony-aunt Auntie Astrid. He's still out there on the high seas travelling about and having adventures. He last appeared in one of the stories in GOSSIP FROM THE CHEESE COUNTER - but I can confirm that there are other stories, yet unpublished. One involves sea monsters and Charlie Grrr attempting to save Venice from sinking; it'll be out one day, I'm sure...
Mouse blog: Where do you hope to be for New Year's Eve this year?
Gladstone: In bed with a strong cheese - or failing that playing crib or snap with Oliver whilst talking through our plans for the new year...
Mouse blog: A couple of years ago we wrote on this blog of how Charlie Grrr almost stole Christmas - have measures been taken this year to ensure that this doesn't happen again?
Gladstone: We ensured that the bear has not been let into the country over the Christmas period... He's Beargrrria's problem this year! Let them deal with him... Sorry Charlie, we love you really!
Mouse blog: Is it true that the bear actually eats baubles and tinsel?
Gladstone: He does. And one year he even ate the fairy on the top of the tree and had a tummy ache all the way until Boxing Day because the fairy's wand had - erm - become lodged, let's say... The bear is a nightmare. A loveable nightmare, but a nightmare indeed.
Mouse blog: How do you stop Charlie actually eating all the Christmas dinner before you get to it?
Gladstone: Lock him in a cupboard... Well, no... That's not so easy to do - so I default to my previous response. This year he is Beargrrria's problem. Knowing my luck he'll be deported!!
Mouse blog: Do you have any favourite albums or films that you turn to at this time of year?
Gladstone: Other than ones written by Charlie Grrr, do you mean? I love all of Charlie's work - I am contractually obliged to say that. Otherwise I tend to like anything which is either about cheese, made of cheese or stars cheese. Charlie's band: THE BEARTLES reformed this year and they re-recorded some of their songs with a more mousey vibe. I must say their version of LET IT BRIE is quite astounding. But for all the wrong reasons.
Mouse blog: Thank you, Gladstone - before you go into the service do you have anything to say to your fans.
Gladstone: I have two things actually - one is specifically to a gentleman called Lloyd, who I believe is spending Christmas in Ghana this year. I wish to thank him for all his kind letters and for his helpful support with a series of interviews that we are working on for the 10th anniversary. He is also one of the few people to have read almost everything that has ever been written about me and for this Paul and myself are most flattered and appreciative. To everyone else I would just like to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Decade... And please, whatever you do - do save any of your Christmas cheese and send it my way! We NEVER have enough - especially cheddar! I can eat that all day. Anyway, thank you everyone and, for now, I must bid you goodbye and work out which passage I am supposed to reading at the service tonight...
Mouse blog: Thank you again, Gladstone. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy and successful 2010...
Thanks for reading and thanks for your support.
Yeti hugs,
Paul xx
Labels: Charlie Grrr, Gladstone McWhiskers, Mouse of Commons, Oliver Louse
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