Above. Before the book launch. L to R: Quint, Tom, Luke, Gareth, Me and Jon.
Above. With the new book; down the Gourmet Burger Kitchen nr St Paul's. L to R: Jon, Tom, Luke, Quint, Gareth.
Above. Quint and Paul by the Thames. Quint came all the way from Amsterdam for the book launch. There is also a character based on him in Gladstone McWhiskers and the Beargrrrian Dilemma.
Above. Gareth and Paul - Gareth has been helping me with the Mouse novels lately.
Above. Me and two of the new books, from earlier in the year.
Above. Paul and Glyn with the three Mouse books that I have published, so far, this year.
Above. Paul and Tom with RHYMES BEARS STEAL PIES FOR. Tom proofread this one.
Above. Barrie and Jon find it very hard to cope with the pressure of the day! :)
Above. Jon and Tom and the book that Tom proofread! What a clever fella! :)
Above. Tom, Quint, Paul and Barrie at Duckie.
Above. All the boys at Duckie. :)
Above. At the end of the day...
Above. But there's more to come before the end of the year...
Above. Paul at the book launch! What a good day too!Hi,
These are the photos that I promised from the 3rd book launch, that we held in London on 8th September. It was a great day, all in all - and ended up with some of us having a bit of a boogie in London's Duckie nightclub.
Although I had just published GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS AND THE BEARGRRRIAN DILEMMA, I was also launching the other 3 books that I've published, so far in 2007 (not including the limited edition DUNBAR SPRING.) The other books were the poetry collection RHYMES BEARS STEAL PIES FOR and the other two mouse books GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS AND THE MOUSES OF PARLIAMENT and MOUSE TAILS AND MICE TALES.
I hope you enjoy the book launch - the next one will probably be around February 2008, provisionally February 2nd to be exact.
More soon!
Paul x
Above. Thanks to everyone for coming along. You made an old yeti very happy! :)
Just an update to let everyone know that I've just published a new Mouse of Commons novel. I've been working on it since last autumn - as with all of the mouse novels - I'm working on them at different stages and the complete process working like this takes about 9 months.
It's called
GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS AND THE BEARGRRRIAN DILEMMA and involves the story of what happens when bear superstar Charlie Grrr is kidnapped by the evil dictator Pot Pie Du-Belly and is sent back to his home country to stand trial for pie crimes. He is, strangely enough, actually innocent of these claims and Gladstone and friends decide that they must go to his rescue. The only problem being that they don't actually know where the country of Beargrrria actually is!!
The book is 450 pages long and contains photos that I took whilst travelling in Paris, Rome and Prague last autumn.
The paperback is £10.99 and the hardback £16.99 and the links are below: paperback edition hardback edition
I'm having another book launch this Saturday, 8th September in London - so there should be some photos next week on
www.mouseofcommons.blogspot.comHope you're well!
Take care,
Paul :)PS The Hardback cover will be posted next time - but you can check it out by clicking on the link. :)